The Coaching Experience (CE) Project was established for serving coaches in order to complete their coaching hours and thriving on their ICF accreditation journey.
1. The system involves, coaching delegates who completed their core coaching trainings from ICF accredited schools.
2. All users in the system, agree to be reached via phone and email, and confirms that the counterparties can declare the performed cooachinge hours to ICF.
3. Users will be added to automatics match- ups by using “Coach someone” or “Find a Coach” buttons. Users will be notified after the automatic match-ups are completed via email. The main purpose of the dyads is to have 7 hours together as coach or coachee. Users will gain points as being a coachee in the projects and use these points as being a coach in the projects.
4. Each match is called as a project. Project match-ups are done by the system automatically. In these matchups coaches and coachees in the existing projects will not be matched unless they complete their current projects. Besides, if a user is already matched and completed the last project with another user, these users will not be matched in upcoming match-ups. By that way no users will gather together in two projects in a row. Each coaching hour in a project means +1 point for the coachee and -1 point for the coach.
5. Each project can last maximum 15 weeks.
6. After the new dyad notification to coach and coachee, coach is being expected to communicate with the coachee and arrange the meetings. If Coach does not communicate with coachee, coachee should take the responsbility and possible penalty.
7. Each meeting should be realized with maximum two week intervals.
8. In first two weeks, if no meeting is conducted, coach/coachee can inform CE Project Team.
9. In any kind of difficulties that users face, they can contact with CE Project Team. At the end of project, if users can not propoerly end the project, they will both get negative points and it will affect their other match-up demands.
10. In case of users points to be under 0, they will not be able apply to coach anyone in the system. Users should increase their points by being coachee in the projects, so they can continue coaching as well.
11. Within 15 weeks, coachee can log in to system and end the project by entering the total meeting hours. Also coach can request a project end via platform by adding meeting hours. In that case an email will be esent to coachee for ending the project by his/her confirmation. Coachee should reply to this email or log in to system and end the project in 5 days, otherwise project will be ended automatically but coachee will not gain any point.
12. In case of no counterparty ends the project in 15 weeks, system will automatically end the project and both coach and coachee will have -7 points.
13. For any queries, feedbacks and questions, users can send an email to [email protected].